Klaus Mair BLOG
Welcome to my new blog! Subscribe to the newsletter below if you would like to be informed once new posts are online. The full length articles and videos are available in the Member Area for all SOFASKI.COM customers. Please get in touch if you did not receive your log in. Once logged in I would recommend to access the blog through the Member Area as here most articles will be listed double.
Thank you for reading.

Does CARV Live Up to the Hype? Here’s What You Should Know
Explore Klaus Mair’s in-depth review of the CARV digital ski coaching device. Discover the pros, limitations, and whether CARV’s AI-driven ski metrics can help you improve your skiing.

Skiing with Kids! How to Make Skiing with Your Children a Success!
In this article and video I will give you my best tips for skiing with your own children. There are many things that can go wrong when your skiing with your kids! Make sure that you get the key points – SAFETY – EQUIPMENT and -TECHNIQUE right so it can be a great experience for everybody.
Get Ready for Skiing! Mental Preparation
Does mental preparation for recreational skiers matter? Isn’t it only relevant for the pros? Here are some practical tips for your mental ski training.
6 Key Drills for Carving
Watch part 1 of my latest Carving Instructional from Coaching Taka to help you carve turns also on steeper slopes with more control and better performance.
Ski Season 20/21 – A Unique Experience, Hopefully
A very special and hopefully one of a lifetime ski season has come to an end. I spent my last day of the 20/21 season in Gargellen. Video below.
Coaching Taka – Medium Radius Turns
In this series of online coaching videos you will be able to join Takahiro Yamagami’s training with SOFASKI.COM and watch his progress.
The Importance of a Ski Video Analysis
I joined Dr. Heather Gansel for her stream to talk about one of my clients and how we could help him improve. The video will be especially relevant for skiers that come back from an injury had an injury in the past and are still trying to get back to where they were...
More Performance for your Carving Turns , Online Ski Analysis/Marius Quast
Klaus Mair analyses German YouTuber Marius Quast and shows you how you can ski higher edge angles without giving up on performance.
SOFASKI.COM cooperates with Dr. Heather Gansel
I am very happy to announce that SOFASKI.COM has started a cooperation with Dr. Heather Gansel. SOFASKI.COM customers will get access to some of her ski fitness videos and articles in the member area and will receive a free initial video consultation plus a 10%...
Introduction to Powder, Free Reminder Card Download
Exclusively on SOFASKI.COM: The full length 13 minute 2020 Edition Introduction to Powder lesson from “From Blue to Powder” plus the reminder card for download.
Flex to Release vs Up and Forward PART 2
In the second part on this topic we will have a closer look at what is going on at the start of the turn.
Why we stress the up and forward so much with our recreational skiers and what the World Cup ski racers are doing.
Flex to Release vs Up and Forward
Two different ways to get a turn started. Which one is better? 15 Minute Video plus article available for everybody in the SOFASKI.COM BLOG.
Reminder Cards BTB, BTP
Introduction to POWDER, reminder card – the updated version of the card is now downloadable for FREE for all in the Klaus Mair Blog. Customers can find all 12 cards in the member area.
The Growth Mindset and How It Can Help You Become a Better Skier
Have you already started to work on your skiing or are you still looking for excuses?
Not everybody needs to ski a perfect turn or has to take a lesson.
But why are so many that would love to ski better not even considering ski school?
Klaus 2018 Turns, Ski Tech Talk, Self Analysis
Some thoughts on what I am trying to achieve in my own skiing and how that relates to ski racing, to other ski demos online and ultimately to what we try to achieve with our students. Customers get access to the full article and a 20 minute self-analysis video.
Pre Sofa Ski Camp Tips – Part 1 Ski Equipment
MEMBER AREA – To ski on the right equipment is a big pre-condition for being able to become a better skier.
Here are some thoughts on Ski Equipment with some specific tips for our Sofa Ski Camp customers.
Ski Analysis, Carving
MEMBER AREA - As shown in the short version of the analysis below, we will focus on helping Dejan build up more grip over the outside ski early versus sitting to the back and inside, moving away from the outside ski. This is a fairly common mistake and often triggered...
Ski Fitness
MEMBER AREA – In a series of articles and videos on Ski Fitness I am trying to show you what works for me and how i prepare and warm up specifically for skiing.
Sofa Ski Camps – a Participants Diary
…by Helen Simpson
Read Helen’s diary of her first Sofa Ski Camp. A great read that is not just entertaining but also very interesting to see how she coped with the challenges that come with learning to ski and how she could crown her camp with a heli ski day in the end.
How to Teach Your Kids Series
In this series I am trying to give parents valuable information on how they can increase the chance that their time on snow with their children will be a success.
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