SOFASKI.COM offers instructional ski videos and ski articles, online ski analysis and training planning as well as ski improvement camps and private coaching in Austria, Japan, Germany and New Zealand.
The goal is to make quality ski instruction accessible to a bigger group of people and to inspire skiers of all levels to work on their turns to get the most out of the sport.
The Sofa Ski School Approach is based on the Austrian teaching system and puts a big emphasis on the ski fundamentals and a consistent teaching method that allows the transfer of basic skiing skills to more advanced areas.
Our focus lies on the main mechanisms that make our skis turn. The goal is to provide skiers with a better understanding of these basic concepts, to help them see how they relate to expert skiing and to show them the most effective lessons and drills for their personal ski improvement.
Founded by Klaus Mair in 2007 as Sofa Ski School it was rebranded in 2019 to SOFASKI.COM to better represent all the areas covered by the company.

“The better you understand skiing the more you can self-coach yourself and adjust.
LEARN more about ski technique
UNDERSTAND your own skiing better by getting your skiing analyzed
and come and TRAIN with us!”